Monday, January 29, 2007

Wigging out

I was on a plane today, and one of the flight attendants had a wig on.

I was transfixed; I found myself unable to stop staring at her. It was fascinating.

This inappropriate behavior can be traced back to my general social ineptness. I have poor impulse control so when I see something that catches my eye (a roast duck, a man with googly eyes, a strikingly beautiful woman in a sea of generic faces) I stare.

I can't help it.

The wig looked like it came straight out of a Cleopatra costume portfolio. It was shoulder length and had full bangs, chopped bluntly along the eye line.

It was obviously a wig. It had this "one piece" quality about it. Like she could tug one strand of hair and her entire head of hair would adjust accordingly. And it was stiff; like the hair of a mannequin on display at C.O.D.

It must have been a wig. I'm sure of it. Otherwise, this post has been a complete waste of my time.

And if you've read this far, of yours as well.

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