Monday, January 08, 2007

The Obligatory Birthday Post

I've always thought that it was cool to have January 8 as a birthday. It is exactly two weeks from Christmas, a week from New Year's Day; you get to start a new calendar year with a new personal year. I was born on the same day as Elvis. Really, how much cooler can a birthday be?

I stopped getting presents a long time ago, but I still throw parties. The one on Friday was cool. There was a lot of beer and parma ham. How can someone not have a good time?

At 32 I have a full set of parents, a handsome but incorrigible nephew, dozens of friends who after 4 months still refuse to use my Hong Kong mobile and instead call my Globe phone to sing Happy Birthday (thereby costing me a fortune in roaming bills). I have an apartment that can be photographed for a magazine (and I believe it has). A job that if I stick to can allow me to retire a little earlier than most. How can someone not be grateful?

At 32 I still have about two thirds of my life ahead of me. Imagine the trips I will take, the people I will meet, the meals to digest, the stories to listen to, the jokes to tell. How can someone not be excited about the future?


Anonymous said...


You still get gifts from me.

Jona said...

When I meant presents, I was thinking more of bicycles and new shoes from mom and dad.

But having said that, yes, I still get presents from R. And I love that.