Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The perfect drink

When I was a teenager, the male parental unit told me that when I grew up, I would stick to one drink and one drink only. That my tastes would be fine tuned with age. That I would stop mixing drinks and settle down on one drink I really enjoy.

I'm 32. It hasn't happened.

I still look through a menu each time I settle down for a cocktail during happy hour. I still chat up the bartend on how he prepares his Zombies. It takes me about 10 minutes to pick out a drink. And after I've consumed it, I will invariably order something else. Then after that, something else again.

I find imbibing only one type of drink to be boring, and in case that one drink is beer, a distended tummy waiting to happen. You really need to "mix it up" for variety. Imagine having 4 gin and tonics throughout the course of an evening. Just thinking about it makes me sleepy.

Or maybe I just haven't found the perfect drink.

A reliable drink (the primary reason for switching drinks is that they taste flat), but one that will engage my taste buds each time. A drink that won't get me slobberingly drunk, but one that will keep me in that happy lightheaded state for the entire evening. A drink that won't give me hangovers or make me fat.

Or maybe the perfect drink just does not exist.

And I doomed to looking through menus and not seeing anything I want.

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