Thursday, January 18, 2007

I Hate Gmail

Since the Taiwan earthquake on Boxing Day, GMail has been incredibly slow. This has been causing me severe distress and frustration. I don't use my office e-mail for non-work related matters (i.e. the stuff that matter) so I am dependent on GMail for keeping in touch with the outside world.

If Gmail is slow and unavailable, so is my virtual social life (which since moving here is more active than my real life social cirle).

Lousy Gmail reminds me of the early days of the Internet. Remember when Hotmail was the only provider of free e-mail and with dial-up surfing was soo s..l..o..w. But we lived with it. We lived with no Google (only Alta Vista and Excite). We didn't have You Tube (we actually did not have any concept of streaming video). Skype was unheard of, we kept in touch with Yahoo messenger and.... IRC! Remember that?!

God it seems like long ago.

And actually, it has been some time. More than 10 years. In college, only the geeks at Faura were on this thing called the "Internet". In law school, there were six (count them, six) computers for surfing in the library. And those got installed only in my second or third year. Today you turn on your laptop inside the Rockwell Library and voila! you're on-line. Back then we had to line up.

We had to line up.

Funny. Lining up for internet now sounds like having to line up for gas or bread.

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