Monday, August 14, 2006

Other People's Blogs

Have you tried reading other people's blogs? I mean strangers'. People you have no connection with, people who have simply decided to post their lives on-line for all to read.

It's scary sh*t, man. Scary for them.

These people post details of their lives. And when I mean details, I mean minutiae. Where they live and work, dental appointments, fights with their parents, what they had for breakfast, their love lives, their sex lives. It's all there. For anyone to read. Businesses gone south, break-ups, what they think of certain (identified) people.

It's all there.

I've tried not to reveal too much of myself with this blog, although I realize a blog is intrinsically a first person narration of things and eventually the narrator has to reveal herself. Having said that, I don't think I would be comfortable "sharing" my private ideas with the world.

There are certain things I want to say out loud, and I do, through this medium. Funny stories, sketches, random events from my life. And I think you can do that without giving away too much.

I'm thinking some people blog to tell stories, others blog to reveal themselves to the world. Internet nudists, you could say.

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