Thursday, October 19, 2006

Someone Hand Me a Can Opener

When I moved here, my Dad instructed me to bring an assortment of canned goods. Yes, you read that right: nag dala ako ng de lata. Parang akong typhoon evacuee in a provincial high school gym in the middle of rainy season.

I brought the following food items with me:

6 cans of Campbell soup (various flavors)
10 little cans of Purefoods corned beef (this I actually wanted to bring)
3 cans of Spam Lite
3 bottles of Spanish sardines

Now I'm down to 3 cans of soup, 1 Spam, the Spanish sardines and 8 tins of corned beef. I've been here over a month and cannot seem to make a real dent on these groceries.

Tonight though, I am staying in and intend to tick off another can of soup from my To Eat List.

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