Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Finding God

I'm in a slump. I think the move has lost it's novelty and now I just have to accept the stark realities about moving to a foreign country. As always, I've made a list. And here's what I have so far:

1. No friends.
2. No roots.
3. No car.
4. Language barrier.
5. An entire 2-bedroom apartment (with a kitchen and a bathroom) as big as my bedroom back home.
6. No car.

Have I mentioned no car? This lack of mobility is unnerving. But that's for another post.

So here I am, slaving away and thinking what a sad and lonely life I lead (gotta hype the drama so the punch line has more golpe.)

I work about 12-15 hours a day, everyday, even weekends. And believe me, I am a very efficient worker. It is the volume of work that is tremendous. The volume would make an average person go into a fetal position and rock slowly. I drink lots of coffee and sleep very little. I am a manic worker. I am a machine, baby.

But as I toil away on yet another late night I think... what is missing in my life? And how do I fill this void? Do I need to join a Bible group and find God?

[Aside: I have two former colleagues (lawyers!) who actually did this when they moved to Singapore. In my opinion, the only valid reason to join a Bible group is to meet men/women. It's called Singles for Christ for a reason.]

I mull over this thought for a moment and come to a revelation (Biblical pun intended).

And here it is:

I don't need God; I need to buy something very expensive. (I am so twisted. This is actually how my brain works.)

I'll let you know what I pick out on my next post.

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