Friday, May 25, 2007

Rosie and Elisabeth duke it out

Have you guys seen the clip of Rosie's and Elisabeth's fight?

(Aside: I find the spelling of Elisabeth Hasselbeck's name to be just as annoying as she is.)

If you haven't, here's a LINK.

What was so disappointing about the whole thing was that this was not an argument about issues or the war in Iraq or conservative leanings or anything worth talking about on national television.

It was a fight about "hurt feelings". (*Sniff*)

Can't two women have an intelligent debate (or even a heated argument) about topics that are not regularly covered by Cosmo? It's really disappointing to see two (at least outwardly) intelligent and articulate women scream at each other because of "hurt feelings".

And then we wonder why guys don't take us seriously when it comes to discussing politics or current events. Do you think the Washington pundits on NewsHour or even the idiots at Fox News would go on about "expecting more from friends" in the middle of a "debate" on the war in Iraq?

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