Monday, May 14, 2007

Incessant thoughts

They say men think about sex every 8 minutes seconds. These are just a few of the things that I think about ALL THE TIME (actual thought pattern in parenthesis).

    1. The location of my wallet ("Where on earth is it? Ok. It's here.")
    2. The location of my bathroom keys. ("Where did I leave them this time? I really should just keep them in one place.")
    3. The number of Chinese people in Hong Kong ("Ang daming Instik sa Hong Kong")
    4. The Chinese quality of everything in Hong Kong ("Grabe talaga ang ka-Intstikan dito sa Kong Kong")
    5. The size of my tummy. ("Ang laki ng tyan ko, p*tang ina.)
    6. What I'll have for dinner ("Should I cook? Nah. Nakakatamad. What then?")
    7. What day it is ("How many days till the weekend?" or "How far is it to payday?")
    8. W.I.M. ("I wonder what W.I.M. is doing right now.")
    9. Existential stuff (Combinations of: "Why am I here? How did I get here? Why am I awake? Is every one's perception the same? Do we all see and hear and smell and touch the same way? What is it like to be dead? We all live and die alone. Why can't I see my own face? Why is there so much suffering the world? Why is there so much excess? What makes people evil?")
    10. The size of my tummy. ("I really should stop eating, p*tang ina.")

1 comment:

Quien said...

Who's W.I.M?