Saturday, March 31, 2007


I know, I know. There are dozens of typos and errors in usage in this blog. I think fast, type even faster and so my punctuation and usage sometimes most often falters.

As for my spelling... my spelling really sucks. It has nothing to do with the speed at which I think or type.

I realize the problem, readers. And I strive to improve myself. For something like this, knowing you have a problem is half the battle (not unlike alcoholism).

And so I re-read the blog and proof for typos and whatnot. I tighten sentences here and there while I'm at it. Usually a post goes up twice or three times, before all most of the errors are corrected.

Bear with me, W.I.M. I'm on the case.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Goodness gracious, Ms. Esquire Notes.

What you say is what matters, the how just a *teeny* bit less. :)

Take it from me.