Monday, March 19, 2007

The distance between us

Moving away means leaving friends and family behind.

But before you get all teary eyed and sentimental, here's where I'm going with this:

Sometimes, that's actually a good thing.

Sometimes, you need to put some distance between yourself and loved ones. Because it is only through distance that you can truly tolerate them, este, appreciate them. (Really, I meant "appreciate". I don't know where tolerate came from.)

For some relationships, the distance has actually helped. Friends I was not really in touch with back home, I now touch base with regularly through e-mail. I actually care to know what my cousins are up to, where former collegues work, what kind of garden furniture my parents picked out. If I were back in Manila, I couldn't be bothered.

And for a few relationships, distance is meaningless. R. could be in Zimbabwe. A. is actually in Cambodia. Monster in Oslo. S. in Sampaloc. It doesn't matter to me. These connections having nothing to do with geography.

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