Sunday, September 23, 2007

It's not my problem

This climate change issue. Few scientists disagree on by how much the seas will rise (about a meter, causing devastating floods all over the planet). But they disagree on when this catastrophe is supposed to happen. Some say 50 years, others say 100 years and yet others say 150. So lets average all that (some have shorter/longer time periods, but let's not count them since that complicates this post) and you get a hundred years.

The seas will rise in a hundred years.

Let's think about that for a moment. A hundred years.

By that time, I will be 132. P. (who I consider as my link to the future) will be 103.

This really is not my issue. So CNN, please stop taking up my time with reports on how big the hole in the ozone layer is already (yawn) and footage of the latest celebrity that has gotten on the oh-so-cool climate change bandwagon.

Now before you judge -- I don't drive in HK and recycle when I can. I do this because it's the smart thing to do. Not because I'm afraid the HK bay will gobble me up.

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