Wednesday, April 04, 2007

On napping

There are few things in life more pleasurable than taking a nap. And I'm not talking about those ridiculous 10-minute "power" naps. I'm talking about the 2-3 hour, middle of the afternoon snooze fests.

The ones you have after a heavy lunch on a weekend or while on vacation. The ones that start out with your eye lids getting very heavy. You're not tired; you've been lounging around all day. But somehow, sleep beckons at 2:30 in the afternoon. And you respond.

You fall into this deep and restful slumber. Where the world disappears and there is nothing. You don't dream. You sleep the sleep of the just, dead, patay-gutom, or righteous. Take your pick.

You wake up three hours later rejuvinated. Like the Energizer bunny with a new battery pack. You're in a great mood, not like how you are when you wake up in the morning. Your body feels like Jell-o.

You feel so good you stay in bed a couple more hours minutes. You want to hold on to that state, the semi-conciousness, the absence of external stimulus. But as with most precious things, it goes away.

And you're up.

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