Saturday, April 14, 2007

Day Long Movies

It takes me about 4-6 hours to watch a standard full length film on DVD. It's an activity I enjoy immensely, my day long movies.

First the selection process. After each trip to Manila I come back to HK with a small library of new movies. Not counting the ones I've already seen before and may want to watch again, I have about two dozen new movies on video, waiting to be watched. Going through the selection and picking out the right movie for my current mood already takes about half an hour.

This weekend's selection was The Interpreter, the Sidney Pollack movie with Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn, with a small part from my French boyfriend, Yvan Attal. I figured it was a good to follow-up to yesterday's 5 hour Casino Royale.

It takes me 5 hours to watch movie because I stop it all the time to accomplish small tasks, like go to the bathroom, read parts of a book, text someone, sort laundry, brush my teeth, have lunch, think.

I hit "Pause" whenever I please because I can. Because I'm by myself and it gives me a sense of absolute control on how things should flow. Because it's up to me to decide when Nicole Kidman should get on her cool Vespa and drive to Central Park (whether it's before or after I sort laundry) or when Sean Penn will share the fact that his estranged wife just died (after I brush my teeth and read a few pages of A Spot of Bother but before I go down for lunch).


Quien said...

Is your Casino Royale "DBD copy"? Where did you get it? I got last month and it was taken by videocam in the cinema.

Am I not simply beautiful in The Interpreter?!

Jona said...

Nope, bought my copy here. The DBD copy I bought in Manila had a Russian audio track.

And yes, I thought you were simply beautiful in The Interpreter. I particularly liked the way you kept your hair. In much the same way as I do -- unkempt.