Monday, April 02, 2007

Bar Shmar

The bar exam results came out today. If this were 3 or 4 years ago (and for 6 years before then), I'd be pacing in anticipation, calling old friends at the Supreme Court to see if a buddy of mine made it. If it were a few years ago, I'd be at a bar tonight, drinking with the new lawyers.

Today, I don't really give a flying rat's ass who passes or fails the Philippine bar. It's funny how something that consumed a big chunk of my life (about 10 years counting the time I was in law school) is now rather meaningless to me. I remember being gripped with anticipation and fear the weeks before the bar results came out. Rumor after rumor would circulate about the results and we'd scrutinize and vet the news like embedded reporters in Baghdad.

I didn't even know the results were coming out today until they actually came out today.

People change, time passes, you move on. All the cliches are true.

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