Monday, April 23, 2007

Falling like flies

Cousin T., N., and I counted the number of Associates who've left the Perm since the start of 2007. We got to 25. 25 lawyers left in 4 months. Sounds shocking, but that's about the average number of people who leave the firm on an annual basis.


So maybe there is some cause for concern when you've hit your annual quota of lawyers-out-the-door right after the end of Q1.

Anyway, for everyone's information and future reference, The Firm has about the same rate of attrition as the Perm. It's actually a little lower at about 12-15% a year (the Perm hits about 20% a year) but the point I'm making here is that lawyers leaving law firms is just about as common as boob jobs in Beverly Hills.

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