Sunday, February 25, 2007

Good luck

I believe in good luck.

When I say good luck I mean "a series of seemingly unrelated events which result in something unexpectedly beneficial". Sometimes, the stars are just aligned and you are "blessed" with good fortune.

I have issues with the concept of being granted good luck by some higher being, or good luck as a reward for past good behavior. I think it's random. You win some, you lose some. But when things do go your way, the feeling is exhilirating. That is unmistakable.

When you have a taste of good luck, you feel like there is some "higher order" in the universe, some form of fairness or goodness (but actually, I think it proves just the opposite, the randomness of it all). There's this overwhelming feeling of goodness, a sort of "high" you experience when on the receiving end of good fortune. Not unlike the feeling you get from doing acts of kindness.

Hmmm.... being kind to others gives you the same feeling as the fates being "kind" to you.

Could there really be a relation there?

Nah, it's random.

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