Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Spell Hypocrite

I've heard people talk about this attribute, but I've never been confronted with it, until today.

Today I got a nasty e-mail from someone, accusing me of being dishonest. It felt weird. Not because it wasn't true (I really could have been more forthright in my dealings with this person. I'm not even going to begin to defend myself on this one.) but because I know this person did exactly the same thing in the past. I know this because she told me she did it.

That stinging feeling you get after being called something bad was overshadowed by this overwhelming awareness of hypocrisy. How could anyone call me dishonest with such venom when that same person has admitted to doing the same thing? This is just plain unbelievable!

So I thought about how I should respond (I was considering the whole "it takes one to know one" theme) but decided that the grown-up thing to do is just keep quiet and to let things end here.

So I will.

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