Sunday, July 16, 2006

Lazy Sundays

I've been out of work for almost 6 weeks now. After staying at home in your pyjamas for a considerable amount of time, all days become eerily similar.

You figure out a routine for yourself. Mine involves a lot of reading and French movies. But my daily regimen is not the subject matter of this blog (I can write volumes about that another time). On this lazy Sunday evening, I want to write about lazy Sundays.

There's something about Sundays. There's a mood, a quality of light, a special way time passes a little slower than usual. Since I've been out of the workforce, I can't tell a Monday from a Friday. But Sundays... I can always tell if it's Sunday.

On Sundays, you feel like you're expected to stay in bed and lounge. The world requires nothing from you. On Sundays, you feel like you need to have hearty lunch, nap in the afternoon, read the paper or a book.

Sunday is the day of rest, even for the idle and unemployed.

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