Sunday, January 27, 2008

Recovering Alcoholic

As most of you know, I am a person who knows how to enjoy a drink. I did though, for some time (4 and half months) stop drinking altogether. Mostly to prove a point to myself -- that I can stop and start drinking whenever I please.

Point made. And to bring home the point further, I've started up again. (And the crowd goes wild!)

I have a couple of personal rules though - I can only imbibe during weekends and only if I've been to the gym three times that week. Otherwise, it's soda water. The lousy thing with alcohol is that it makes you fat. There's no going around (pun intended) this fact. And if want to keep the 20+lbs I've lost (shameless self-promotion) off, well, I can't drink like I used to.

I came to discover a lot of things when I was "on the wagon". And one of the more obvious points is that a night out without alcohol is just about as interesting as watching a box of hair. And while I remember everything that happens during an evening of cold sobriety, there really isn't much to write home about. We had dinner. Discussed office politics and weather. Went home.

But throw in a bottle of wine and well... (my father reads this blog).

What I found unbelievably hilarious (but sweet) was the "reverse intervention" that my friends tried to pull a couple of weeks into the whole "not drinking" phase. Two of my best friends literally sat me down, took my hand, looked into my eyes and asked me what was wrong. The people who knew me were not happy for me, they were worried about me.

Insightful bunch.

Don't worry guys, am on my way back.

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