Sunday, January 06, 2008

The Hang Kang Movie Experience

Recently I saw two movies in the cinema (or as we Pinoy's call it, the "movie house") out here in Hang Kang (this is how Americans pronounce it). And I gotta say, the whole movie experience over here is pretty good. I can't complain.

You need to go on-line to buy your tickets. Unfortunately, movie watching in Hang Kang is not an impulse activity (unless you plan to see the last show on a Tuesday night of the third week of a movie's run -- now say that 5 times really fast). You pick a theater, a show time, seats. Unfortunately, some nights, there are not a lot of movies to go see, as was the case this week, when my friend A. and I caught My Blueberry Nights.

A. had already seen it (God bless her for coming out on a Monday night to go see it again, because really, there is so much to do on Monday nights), but it was the only decent movie on. And so Monday night was blueberry night.

Classic WKW. Since I love Wong Kar Wai (In the Mood for Love is my favorite movie of all time) I loved this movie. But I can totally understand why some people (who have no appreciation for cinema) didn't get it. The editing and the camera work are "non-traditional", almost disjointed in some places, the colors "wrong". You don't really see what's going on and the script doesn't tell you everything that's going on. People who like action movies who need to see the bomb's timer get to zero, then cut to a wide shot of the car exploding will not appreciate My Blueberry Nights.

I thought the soundtrack was too obvious (sounded much like his other movies), but the camera work... Oh the camera work.... It was like seeing Van Gogh's "Sunflowers" for the first time after you'd seen all his other paintings. Different, but classic WKW. Mahusay ang mama. (A., this loosely translates to "the guy is good").

Unapologetic chick flick. We also went to see "27 Dresses" with Grey's Anatomy star Katherine Heigel (the statuesque blond). Pretty good -- classic chick flick (cue montage, cue good soundtrack) with actress who looks like a movie star from the 50's. Nice shots of N.Y. It was very polished, too polished sometimes, but hey, we all love a happy ending.

Snacks. I gotta say, the Hang Kang movie house snacks are the *best*. You can get these 16 inch sausages (no buns -- pun is *so* intended). Super yummy (and no carbs!) but I imagine I must look slightly indecent chomping down on that piece of meat in the dark.

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