Sunday, October 07, 2007

Why I stopped drinking

I used to drink a lot. And no, not a lot for a girl, a lot (period). During an average dinner party, I could have 4 glasses of wine and not flinch. If it were a "drinking party" (i.e. inuman), I could effortlessly down double that amount (the operative term here being effortlessly). And if you've seen me in action, you will know that I'm not exaggerating. It's a statement of fact -- malakas ako uminon -- noon.

Hold on to your seats friends, but in the last 30 days, I've had nothing to drink. Nada.

No, I have not found Jesus (he lives in my shower gel bottle). And no, I have not finally given in to my mother's constant "reminders" about my drinking.

I stopped drinking because I could (period). I drank to have a good time, to enjoy the taste of good liquor. To relish the lightheadedness after the third drink. I did not drink because I had to, or because I was sad or wanted an alternate reality.

Drinking to me is like reading fiction, it's a hobby. My days of boozing were great; and who knows, I might take it up again, but for now, I have no intention or desire to.

Praise the Lord.

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