Wednesday, October 17, 2007

8 glasses is just ridiculous

As most of you know, I've started what some people call a "lifesytle change" -- I quit drinking and started going to the gym. I've also started to watch what I eat. (Food does not move; it just stays on my plate.)

Further to this "healthy lifestyle", I've started to read stupid "health articles" written by dumb people for dumb people. (Lots of lists, all very short pieces, plenty of graphs, and tables.) Am not saying the articles are wrong or badly written; they're just dumbed down -- like all the writers went to the Reader's Digest school of magazine writing.

But anyway, I digress ...

All these "how to live a healthier life" articles proselytize about the virtues of drinking 8 glasses of water a day. Drinking 8 glasses of water a day has become the first commandment of healthy living now; and we all accept this as fact and something we should aspire for.

But it's just plain ridiculous. And as P. would say, "and I'll tell you why".

I tracked how many glasses of fluids I drink a day (not just water) and I've realized that eight glasses of anything within a 24 hour period is just not sustainable.

Morning coffee -- 1 glass (actually one mug)
Morning soda water -- 1 glass (actually one can)
Soda water during lunch -- 1 glass
Afternoon coffee -- 1 glass
Afternoon soda water -- 1 glass
Dinner drink (water) -- 1 glass
Post dinner drink (tea) -- .5 glass
Total: 6.5 glasses (and only 4 glasses of which are water)

Thankfully, the guys at Darmouth Medical School have set the Readers Digest guys straight.

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