Chrome will definitely out perform Explorer which is just too "heavy" and clunky and s l o w. Firefox is great (and it's the browser I usually use) but Chrome has some novelty and is fun to try. Actually with Chrome's layout and overall design, you'd think Google hired a disgruntled Firefox engineer to build Chrome.
If you have a 2 minutes to download Chrome, I suggest you do. I'm not sure if it will "change the way we surf" the way Gmail changed email, but it's pretty darned good.
yes, google chrome rocks! it's my new favorite thing and i've been largely unproductive for the past 2 weeks.
on another note, my pusod is slowly getting inverted (from concave to convex) due to expansion of belly. it is very disturbing. that very large insane bautista portion within each of us is becoming activated...
Am home this weekend. Let us coffee or some wildly expensive bad tasting drink.
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