Friday, September 26, 2008

Gooooo Sarah!

I'm not a Republican or a Democrat (I'm not even American!), but I'm extending this plea to all Americans registered to vote: please vote for John McCain.


If he wins, the next four or even eight years will be so entertaining with Sarah Palin as VP. She reminds me of Alma Moreno as Mayor of Paranaque. No, wait. Vilma Santos. Yes, Governor Vilma Santos.

Imagine Ate V being a heartbeat away from being the leader of the free world?!?

It's a blessing in the skies!

(But seriously, watch Katie Couric's interview of Palin. It is breathtaking.)

1 comment:

Quien said...

not a fan of ate v but must say she might find comparison insulting (and arguably rightly so -- ms. soccer mom that bad). at least our governor has internalized her role so must say that aside from "you can never can tell" is closer to her counterpart in california than this one from alaska.