Thursday, May 29, 2008

It takes all kinds

My thoughts while having breakfast this morning at a hotel coffee shop in Singapore --

That woman next to me is eating with her own plastic cutlery.

She has a spoon, a fork, and one of those "inmate" plastic plates with dividers.

She's eating cereal she brought herself.

And two rambutans.

How random can this be?

This is a five star hotel for crissakes! You don't bring plastic cutlery in!

She must be mayor of Lalaland.

Thoughts of woman sitting next to me --

Is that rice?

It's not even 9am!

Is she actually going to eat rice with bacon... and eggs?

How random can that be?

Is that a spoon? This is a five star hotel for crissakes! You don't eat with a spoon!

They must eat that way in crazylandia.

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