Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Another post about movies you'll never see

The summer is over and I haven't seen The Bourne Ultimatum, Spiderman 3, The Simpsons Movie, Transformers, Pirates of the Carribean 3 (I wouldn't watch this even if you paid me), Harry Potter 4, Die Hard 4.0, that rat movie (I won't even pretend to know how it is spelled), Shrek 3 or Rush Hour 3.

But over the last couple of weeks, I did see the following films:

After The Wedding (Denmark) was nominated for Best Foreign Film at last year's Oscars. It was excellent. A simple story that kept your attention for two hours, kept you interested until the end and made you sit at the edge of your seat without a single gun being fired or a single car chase.

It was simple classic story telling at its best. It's what all movies are supposed to be.

A Touch of Spice is a Greek movie. Greeks are known for falafels, ships, and the Olympics. They are not known for movies. And maybe there's a reason for that.

This movie was touted as a shining example of the best in Greek contemporary cinema. And well, if this is the best, well, they have a long way to go. But the whole life = food, best things in life = spice theme was ok.

Leave it to the French to make well thought of movies. This one was not particularly brilliant, but the character development was so well done. Sigh.

The sad lonely bartend with the ailing father. The sad lonely real estate agent looking for excitement in his life. The sad lonely single woman looking for companionship. The sad lonely soldier looking to regain glory. The sad lonely caregiver who leads a double life.

The Page Turner is another French movie. You have one guess what it is about.

It's sort of like the French version of The Hand That Rocks The Cradle. Outwardly kind woman brought into your home turns out to be psychopath wanting to ruin your life. Saya.

(Aside: Doesn't Rebecca de Mornay look like a pretty Hillary Clinton? She'd make a great Hillary.)

The producers of 2 Days in Paris wanted to make another Before Sunrise. They even went to the effort of hiring Ms. Delpy.

But alas, this movie is not Before Sunrise. The writing is literally "trying hard" in the Pinoy sense. It tries to replicate (albeit painfully) the amusing banter of Before Sunrise.

In the end what you get here is a movie that reminds you of Before Sunrise and makes you realize what a good movie it was.


Anonymous said...

I have 'After the Wedding', and my sister said she also watched it and it was lovely.

'2 Days in Paris' came and went early this month at Cinemanila.

Jona said...

After the Wedding should go on the top of your "To Watch" pile.