Sunday, January 18, 2009

The fridge and pantry cull

I reached into the fridge this morning to get myself some lemonade, when a jar of chili sauce caught my eye. "It's been some time since I used this stuff," I thought. So I take the jar and check for the "best before" date. It said, 31-12-07. It takes me a little while to realize the sauce has been bad (or at the very least not "best") for over a year.

I toss the jar out and think, "My God, what else is in there."

And for the next 15 minutes I cull the fridge and then, still feeling the effects of averted food poising -- my pantry. I felt bad for throwing food away (I think the waste is disgraceful), but even after applying my "6 months rule" (i.e., food doesn't really go bad until the sixth month after the best before date), there were still a few cans of soup that had to go.

Lesson learned here is NOT to stock up on things. Some canned goods don't last more than six months. Why do I even have so much canned goods?

The world won't end, Jona. There will be no catastrophe that will have you eating chicken soup out of a can for weeks. Park and Shop will stay open, it's ok.

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