Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My Sanity Score -- 45

Recently, I had a few minutes of down time, so I clicked on the "Know How Sane You Are" link in an article I was reading in the Times. I logged in with my standard fake name and email address, answered a couple of dozen questions, and got the following results.

I was asked if I was happy about my weight. Who in his/her right mind would answer "Yes" to this question? Of course I said no. I was also asked if I eat too much from time to time. Again. I said "yes". Who doesn't? And so now, apparently, I have an eating disorder.

I was also asked if in the last year I have experienced something which affected my whole life. As far as I am concerned, every single second of my existence affects my whole life, so I answered, "yes". And I guess that explains the "Life Events" score.

If you have 25 minutes and enjoy reading questions like, "Do you think people are out to get you?" or "Do you sometimes feel you are being poisoned?" take the quiz and see how well you do.

Congratulations! Based upon your answers, you appear to be in good mental health. You may experience specific mental health concerns, relationship issues, or other issues that come up from time to time in your life, but your overall mental health score suggests that you deal with these well. People with similar scores are more resilient than most people, handle stress appropriately, have good relationships with others, and are able to cope with the in's and out's of everyday life with grace and ease.

General Coping  11
Life Events  50
Depression  19
Anxiety  12
Phobias  8
Self-Esteem  8
Eating Disorders  40
Schizophrenia  10
Dissociation  8
Mania  20
Sexual Issues  0
Relationship Issues  13
Alcohol  17
Drugs  0
Physical Issues  0
Smoking Issues  0
Gambling Issues  0
Technology Issues  6
Obsessions/Compulsions  13
Posttraumatic Stress  17
Borderline Traits  8

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