Saturday, October 18, 2008

A.k.a "Jona's Diet"

For the last couple of weeks or so, I've been obsessed with whitening my teeth. In the course of the last month I have used a box of Crest Whitestrips and Aquafresh White Trays. I now have "visibly whiter teeth", but since I human and cut from the same cloth as Gordon Gekko, I want more.

Last weekend, having an hour to kill before I need to see my masseuse, I mean, physical therapist, I walked into one of these "quasi dental" clinics that offer teeth whitening procedures.

I sat through one of their 10 minute free consultation sessions and I was diagnosed with teeth that are two shades away from Ryan Seacrest's.

The woman said that their treatments last from 6 months to a year, depending on your diet. Some kinds of food should be avoided, she said, since they are notorious for their teeth staining qualities. Food like coffee, red wine, soy sauce and curry.

You know, the four food groups of my diet.

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