Monday, March 23, 2009

Spolier alert

The last time I read spoilers (or spent any time trawling for spoilers) was back in high school. R and I were obsessed with the American soap opera General Hospital and so we'd buy magazines (like Soap Opera Digest) to find out how the plot would develop. It was cute back then, two teen-aged girls crazy about an Australian man with bad hair, scouring through magazine racks in second hand book shops, looking for an obscure rag (yes, back in the 80's in the suburbs of Manila, Soap Opera Digest would be considered obscure).

Now it would be pathetic. Imagine a 34-year old begging off from fancy dinners and adult conversation to spend a few hours trying to find out what happens next on Grey's Anatomy... and I don't mean I do that... I just said, "imagine".

Anyway, thank god for the Internet; now I don't have to go out in public to look for spoilers. I just need Google. And if you must know, Grey's Anatomy is in haitus until April 23; Brothers and Sisters is off until April 19 and Entourage has started shooting its sixth season.

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