Thursday, February 05, 2009

Mere Drivel

Woody Allen's Mere Anarchy is hands down, the worst book I have ever read. The book is a collection of short fiction that is meant to be funny but in reality is hardly intelligible. Here's the opening line to one of the stories:

"While perusing the Times movie ads in desperate search of the some bearable celluloid high jinks with which to palliate a summer of heat and barometric readings one associates with August in Yoknapatawaoha County, I had the interesting fortune to find a little oddment called, The Kid Stays in the Picture."

Don't think I'm stupid -- I know what he's trying to do. He's trying to be silly, but as you can see for yourself, it's not working. For writing to be funny it needs to flow effortlessly. Like Bob Hope delivering a joke. Allen's Anarchy sounded like a guy telling a knock knock joke during open mike night at a comedy club in Des Moines.

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